Jules Verne would be right at home with the emerging state of the art car. Although compressed air technology was used in pneumatic locomotives and trams in the late 1800s, was the commercial scale in cars partly by the pressure of the oil industry in 1930 is blocked. This course should not be a surprise for the reader new information about the electric car GM of the 1980s has appeared recently (but that) is another article. With the race on the search for alternative eco-friendly fuel, the car seems to be a high priority on the efficiency ratio vs. clean fuel alternative. Although in the past people have rallied around the idea of an air, car air quality is the ultimate closer than you think.
How does it work?
An electric pump compresses air into a reservoir at high pressure and saves energy. As the air escapes, it pushes the piston, similar to a combustion engine. Compressed air is stored in large cylinders in the vehicle, and the only emission into the environment is cold air. In fact, the emissions in the exhaust air will remove cleaner than the air in the air from the TV through carbon filters against dust, dirt and other contaminants that could affect the performance of the engine. This makes it particularly attractive to car emissions, activists, worried about global warming. Not only that, but the energy it uses is minimal compared to other cars of the future than hybrids or bioethanol, which employ still controversial techniques of energy that can have a negative impact on environment and economy.
Zero Pollution Motors, the U.S. licensee, based in Luxembourg Motor Development International, an air-car for production in the U.S. in late 2009 or beginning of 2010. To fill, simply by giving your local station for air service for a few minutes or an electrical outlet at home for four hours. At speeds over 35 mph the air car, the small amounts of fuel in the air in a boiler room heat and allow the car to get mph top speed is estimated to be 96th
No major infrastructure is needed to support the Air Car, other than charging high pressure about 300 psi. Of course, this makes the car look very attractive, since most of our stumbling blocks are in the search for alternatives to oil changes to the infrastructure. Of course, gas stations can change system configurations generalized space for compressed air. While fossil fuels are still needed to win to electricity for recharging, it will always be a net saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions and pollutants. Course be used, such as wind and solar power are increasingly used as primary energy generators, and power for running the electric pump the car will also be from clean sources.
Air cars have a good future and are expecting one of the great hopes for an easier transition than in a new era of clean fuel. It will be exciting to see these first prototypes of cars seem to transform and effective instruments for the 21 Century.
An air car is one that uses alternative fuels such as bio-products such as gasoline-ethanol and other products, in contrast to ordinary fuels on the market. This car has a speed range up to 125 miles mph, and can be taken at least 68th The car may at any gas station, equipped with customized offer is being refueled. The tank can also be charged with the built-in compressor by connecting to a network of electricity for four hours.
The general idea is to use a different method of powering a car engine. In recent years, the drastically increased fuel prices which led to the desire for alternative and cost-effective to power machinery, cars and look for moving objects. This has to explore other possibilities, which led them to see in these difficult economic times. Environmental concerns have also been forced to take the energy further and aims to reduce the release of harmful gases in the atmosphere, forcing the governments concerned to invest in other means of energy production.
In particular, the air car equipped with an engine that is emissions free piston. The piston is driven by compressed air. French Guy Negro was the first engineer to invent environmentally friendly the car. The energy from the heating of the ambient air in the cold storage tank is compressed. The only problem is the cold air, which can under-150C and the cold air is to be transformed as a product, cooling the car to be used. The delivery of air through a fuel injection system. Ammonia is running as an alternative fuel for the engine for this car, and this is because of its ability to be converted easily to in light situations without operating hazardous products of combustion environments. The gas is easily accessible and can be done by electricity, can and should easily transported from one place to another in fixed quantities and harmful products from the steam and nitrogen.
In 1908 to 1927, was the Ford Model T, the first car, ethanol (alternative) method of using air as fuel. Methanol can also be used separately or in combination with ethanol for motor power. They can be obtained from natural gas and petroleum. However, ethanol is more reliable because their availability. It can even be produced from starch or sugar in agricultural products like grain cane sugar, lactose, and the general culture. It is naturally produced when yeast reacts with sugar solution, even from overripe fruit. In addition, methanol is considered toxic. Other products have been tested are butane, which can be obtained from the fermentation of plants. Regardless of all the tests, ethanol is superior to the others. Obviously, ethanol has some negative effects, it decomposes easily some of the rubber compounds are used in the gaskets and fuel lines. It may also be impossible for the vehicle to be launched with a high percentage of ethanol fuel, because ethanol is less volatile than petrol, more than in the cold season. Electrical conductivity of ethanol has raised concerns it may corrode fuel pumps at the beginning and the tank sensors.
Twelve principles of efficiency of fuel for the use of compressed air to provide energy to an air engine
Posted by Fame | 6:00 AM | 0 comments »To receive) the maximum use of the internal energy of air (warm room, so do not see that is the first phase of the power is in an expansion phase, many rise above the ambient temperature. Maximum cooling process can be achieved by the first stage with the top cut, then heat can be added. Heat (ambient, but is not) should also be taken shortly before the first stage, such as electric heating pads on the elbows, where the cold is produced naturally and other places where expansion is taking place in the air approaches the engine.
Add heat to the air motor, if possible, only ambient heat record, then use the heat of compression, then add targeted heat generated, if necessary.
Reheating of compressed air to increase the pressure just before the recording engine has achieved a lot cheaper in the cost of energy equivalent to an increase in pressure by compressing more air.
Regenerative braking works well with the car air braking and compression can save the brakes and heats the air in the tanks.
It takes less work to would be the pressure of an air amount of 100 to 200 psi it will take to raise the same air of 0 bar to 100. This can be verified on the total energy Compressor table ever published. It is the reason for the plant closed loop pneumatic force that can do more work with smaller machines.
Any chance to get the pressure already compressed air instead of air compression, the relative size of investments required to accomplish this task, since more energy per unit volume of air to increase unless reduced by a reminder that a compressor to normal move even.
It's possible effect on the air at low pressure in a tank under high pressure against little resistance through the use of Bernoulli, who is known the answer to the riddle of physics in 1870 as a daemon, spray Maxwell. The potential and kinetic energy can be caused to change places so that everyone of what it does best and neither interferes with the growth objective that will hold the full fuel as cheaply as possible.
During the compression work is lost as heat. This little known fact is just from textbooks.
The energy that drives the pistons of the heat, pressure, not so when you run the use of solar heat source, a car on compressed air, the air car is a car-to-air refueling solar car.
The colder air is partly in the engine heat freely expanded, it will incorporate its environment. By promoting slow to act more like a sponge, heat, try the following: low-speed, multiple levels (composite) expansion, heat exchangers (not pipe bend) between steps.
Necessary to generate additional pressure for any reason within the process must be fed only when necessary to prevent the heat of compression and the storage pressure can now be minimized to be used. The more air you save in a specific area, the pressure is maximum storage capacity.
To find ways of compressed air at full pressure, such as jet-pressure pumps and heat exchangers. Design on the concept, rather than regulators reduce the pressure to the desired.
It's almost too simple for words. It is so easily overlooked, because their discovery little creative instinct of the inventor, or engineer has to satisfy hard-earned education for high-tech or craftsman love the gadgets. New inventions, theories, and gadgets are as useless as the last secret of compressed air, which is really the only efficiency, inherent in diverting and developed.
Efficiency of compressed air is connected can be provided by these facts:
_Air Is everywhere.
_Air Provides solar energy.
_Compressing Air is a simple process that its internal energy) (solar heat, without changing the air is chemically used. No conversion or thermodynamic changes are necessary in order to eliminate unnecessary steps.
_The Waste energy, carried by the compression of air in the form of heat which is the main fuel-air engine is, and shall be kept on the job market.
Design efficiency is the need to go further than Convention status quo in the production and use of compressed air. The two-stage process of compression and expansion of air produces introduce two ways to be effective measures for the design, to save energy.
By _Means expanding air can be made more energy available before exhausting through a relatively efficient engine air as a commercial aircraft using engine as opposed to.
_Means Conservation work of the compressor can be used to reduce the net cost of the intake air.
The last secret of the compressed air, which is itself on creating a central air-refueling everything you need to do is most of the energy contained in the expansion of the air and make or enjoy the energy invested in compressing the air. In other words, self-fueling the engine of the air is a natural process is common and not as an aberration of the edge of science or as a result of exotic devices. This basic fact is easy to prove mathematically using standard engineering formulas and tables. Gadgets and Widgets are fun, but useless, they are the stuff of research institutes. The first goal should be to show an air engine to normal operating temperature of a compressor and the regular maintenance of your tank full in the process. I repeat: The calculation shows, fast, what is possible.
The idealization of the conservation work of the compressor into the compressor tank. Fresh air from outside the tank into the tank is compressed, and the work in the compression of the reservoir is done dissipated as heat, the expanding amount of air for the fuel. Increasing the value of the fuel by maintaining the heat of compression is a value beyond what you expect of maps of engineers, but not beyond the scope of application of the usual engineering methods for quantification.
The idealization of the possible expansion of conservation is to expand the compressed air so slowly that the pressure does not fall, because the heat used to replace the pistons are absorbed by the push-ambient heat from the environment. This is especially from the handbook of thermodynamics.
The obvious practical difficulties of these idealizations are off topic, remains only on ways to identify walk in their general direction. For example:
Isolated shroud surrounding area would _an both the compressor head and the head of the engine think much of the heat of compression.
_A Multi-engine in the upper level with Inter-stage ambient heat, which is running at low speeds, would squeeze a lot of work a little air.
Both strategies could lead _Combining, develop the most practical.
Gadgets can be added later, such as the work of compression (as opposed to conservation work), unlike a normal compressor) with a series of check valves (and / or a jet pump in the tank, the low-pressure air is injected into a reservoir at high pressure can. Other possibilities are:
_heat Pipes
Resistance Heating _electric
_water proof cooled compressors, the heat flow in channels in the engine block into the air
_AS Last spring, while air motor can be made more efficient using the fuel in the air until the engine heat coefficient of performance (COP see Basics heat pump) exceeds unity, makes a hybrid power without the noise, pollution and cost a combustion engine.
If this is not easier in the air, was its use in the manufacture of solar energy long ago mastered. We need to stop flattering ourselves with our brilliant new ideas, and show, using self-feeding nature of the air with basic designs that the best characteristics of the air past its simplicity.
Wrong analogies from the freedom of FUEL
She said that the compression of the air there is the ability to work as self-evident that the building can operate a dam water to a wind power generation. Although these statements are true, they are not made in the scientific context of the energy investment. It would be wrong to say that the work can be directly invested in the outcome of the compressed air in the work of the compressed air, as it would be wrong of course, the work on the construction of a dam provided credit for the amount of water and disposal. In both cases, the work is done by the fluid under pressure, a fact, scientifically speaking, the sun's energy, while the compressor is working as the builders of the dams is an investment probably a coincidence of economic and material costs, but as a scientifically accurate accounting of the energy invested will pay off later in the available power.
Some of the air so-called drawbacks are the usual view of things from a perspective for the use of air for safety, mobility and convenience, efficiency is not built for some of its biggest advantages.
The classic case of that gap between thought and standard potential of air is assumed that the air to failure any attempt to produce energy is condemned because it is cold. The standard range is as follows: air in a cylinder of an engine and the air expands, becomes cold in the process. The air later in the cylinders will be cooled by the cylinder wall, so that part of its value before they can do any work. So really it's trying a self hope to make effective use of the air. My objection is that the cold by the expansion of the compressed air in a cylinder produces an advantage because it makes the press a sponge for warmth in the surrounding atmosphere when it is introduced into the system to work because of the enlightened design, the to use free energy for the piston.
Let's face it: If the Americans even the slightest suspicion that someone or something could be regarded as Wimpy, shun like the plague. Could it be that the general ignorance about the kind of subtle and unrecognized compressed the result of our macho nature is that our fears associated with ideas sissified?
As soon as I the maker of a machine efficient enough as compressed air, and when I asked why not, the engine was in the car, the salesman I spoke with told me that his boss can not remember that for the car to go everywhere, it is connected by a semi-trailer loaded with a compressed air supply.
Well, if this is not cons-production and Wimpy, I do not know what that is. It is truly un-American dispense so easily!
Likewise, it is thought to be just as ridiculous as a compressor air in a car would be the dumbest idea since even chewing gum. All that energy loss for the trickle of compressed air.
But wait a minute. Like everything that is power used?
It is used to heat.
And what it is in the air that can push him to the Pistons?
It's the heat.
And it is an extension of the air, it seems so objectionable as a piston press medium?
The cold product.
And what are the hot heat?
She sucks like a sponge.
Conclusion: The air is warmer when it is compressed, the more heat is available to be preserved is the colder the air when it is extended, more ambient heat, it can be incorporated from outside the machine.
Twelve principles of efficiency of fuel for the use of compressed air to provide energy to an air engine
Posted by Fame | 10:18 AM | 0 comments »To receive) the maximum use of the internal energy of air (warm room, so do not see that is the first phase of the power is in an expansion phase, many rise above the ambient temperature. Maximum cooling process can be achieved by the first stage with the top cut, then heat can be added. Heat (ambient, but is not) should also be taken shortly before the first stage, such as electric heating pads on the elbows, where the cold is produced naturally and other places where expansion is taking place in the air approaches the engine.
Add heat to the air motor, if possible, only ambient heat record, then use the heat of compression, then add targeted heat generated, if necessary.
Reheating of compressed air to increase the pressure just before the recording engine has achieved a lot cheaper in the cost of energy equivalent to an increase in pressure by compressing more air.
Regenerative braking works well with the car air braking and compression can save the brakes and heats the air in the tanks.
It takes less work to would be the pressure of an air amount of 100 to 200 psi it will take to raise the same air of 0 bar to 100. This can be verified on the total energy Compressor table ever published. It is the reason for the plant closed loop pneumatic force that can do more work with smaller machines.
Any chance to get the pressure already compressed air instead of air compression, the relative size of investments required to accomplish this task, since more energy per unit volume of air to increase unless reduced by a reminder that a compressor to normal move even.
It's possible effect on the air at low pressure in a tank under high pressure against little resistance through the use of Bernoulli, who is known the answer to the riddle of physics in 1870 as a daemon, spray Maxwell. The potential and kinetic energy can be caused to change places so that everyone of what it does best and neither interferes with the growth objective that will hold the full fuel as cheaply as possible.
During the compression work is lost as heat. This little known fact is just from textbooks.
The energy that drives the pistons of the heat, pressure, not so when you run the use of solar heat source, a car on compressed air, the air car is a car-to-air refueling solar car.
The colder air is partly in the engine heat freely expanded, it will incorporate its environment. By promoting slow to act more like a sponge, heat, try the following: low-speed, multiple levels (composite) expansion, heat exchangers (not pipe bend) between steps.
Necessary to generate additional pressure for any reason within the process must be fed only when necessary to prevent the heat of compression and the storage pressure can now be minimized to be used. The more air you save in a specific area, the pressure is maximum storage capacity.
To find ways of compressed air at full pressure, such as jet-pressure pumps and heat exchangers. Design on the concept, rather than regulators reduce the pressure to the desired.
Compressed air is an energy source that can be used in a sustainable way to transport people and goods.
The main goal of Air Car Factories is to develop and produce a vehicle from a compressed air engine with a power level that the real needs of today's market driven requirements. To this end, we developed a comprehensive and start R & D plan for production.
This is the pioneer in the world car (CAR AIR) that are produced zero emissions and mass next summer (2008).
The car has some amazing technology behind it, and (by Guy, an ex-Formula Negro engineer) for Luxembourg-based MDI.India 's largest car maker 6000 produce zero emissions into the air, cars in August 2008 developed for the Indian roads ( when they say India stands at the door and takes things to another level).
The gas and oxygen explosions of internal combustion models can be a thing of the past, when the air car is a great success because it uses compressed air and has many benefits for our environment.
The $ 12,700 CityCat is only one of many planned models of vehicles, this model of air can be filled to 68 mph with a range of 125 miles of gas (custom units) compressor.
The astonishing fact that it then only $ 2 to fill the car with carbon-fiber tanks with 340 liters of air at 4350 psi ... I would like as a person in this world, such as high taxes on fuel.
The disadvantage is that the Air Car is made of all construction-May glue, it will ever mean to the UK or the U.S. coast, but MDI said it has signed contracts that makes its design in over 12 countries (including South Africa, Israel and Germany), so there is hope yet.Via mechanics union.
If the compressed air was first tried, it was found that the loss of power is enormous. It was difficult, because filtered air quickly store it was expensive to produce, and there were problems with the thermo-dynamic applications without number. If a thousand cubic meter of air is trapped in the space of a year, a large amount of heat and developed to store and use the Air This heat must be withdrawn in some cases. Also, the high-pressure air cools when it released quickly. The result, if there is enough moisture, the freezing and clogging. For years it was believed that these difficulties are largely overcome.
But these difficulties are the same as a gain in the use of this excellent, even when aimed at an apparent paradox. There seems no sense to say that it is possible to gain too much power on a machine that you mean it in a system without friction and without waste. However, a concept very close to that condition seems to have been only in the case of compressed air. This is the warm-up on the development process. That the reader not familiar with the technical matter, there is not that they give their other properties. In compression, air is drawn into a flask, and then plunged into a reservoir surrounded by a water jacket, it took the heat generated by the compression. The machine that makes this work is a big part of what is known as the four kind of scene. That is, the air is cool at first brought the pressure to about eighty pounds, and then in a second cylinder, where it is transformed further compressed, then cooled, and then continued until the desired position. Thus, even two or three thousand pounds of pressure per square inch of air in the tank the rest somewhere in the vicinity of the temperature of the outer atmosphere. But if the air is in this situation not only an important part of the power lost in the compression works, but it is, as mentioned above, tend to freeze everything under control. But if, as it is released, it is passed through a heating or hot water heat killed, it is within the known properties of the air, an enormous growth potential. In practice, it was possible to add, warming, a PS for each power by compression develops eighth or one tenth of the original cost of the latter. That is, if a certain amount of air one U.S. dollars, the additional cost of ten cents warming his power is working to double production costs. Theoretically, the total return is actually greater than if the same amount of coal was burned in an ordinary steam engine and the power to be generated and used directly. In practical use, it is a bit less.